Cetrigen 100g
Cetrigen contains antiseptic to treat cuts, scrapes and superficial wounds and protect wounds from infection. It also contains two powerful insecticides that repel insects, protecting wounds from insect associated damage.
Cetrigen is suitable for use on all animals and the purple dye ensures full wound coverage.
Recommended for:
- Wound healing due to anti-bacterial action
- Preventing insect infestation of wounds and repelling insects from wounds
- Helps to control fly strike
- Complete wound coverage – purple dye in CETRIGEN shows the extent and coverage of the area being treated
- Multi-species use
Where practicable the wound area should be cleansed and any dirt and debris removed. Hold spray container nozzle approximately 10cm from wound site and apply a light layer directly onto the wound, wiping away any excess run-off spray. Treatment should be continued until the wound has thoroughly healed.
Aerosol Cetrimide 1mg/g, Di-N-propyl isocinchomeronate 30mg/g, Diethyltoluamide 40mg/g Trigger Spray Cetrimide 1mg/g, Di-N-propyl isocinchomeronate 20mg/g, Diethyltoluamide 40mg/g